Monday, November 12, 2012

Top Girls

"This play is contemporary and examines the role of women in society and what being a successful woman means." The play is famous for its opening sequence in which Marlene, the main character, meets famous women in history. She meets Pope Joan who dresses like a man, and Isabella Bird the explorer. She sees Dull Gret know as "the harrower of Hell" as well as the Japanese mistress of an emperor and later a Buddhist nun, Lady Nijo. She meets Patient Gruselda better known as the wife from the "Clerk's Tale" in the Canterbury Tales.  All of these characters behave like a gang of city career women out on the town and get increasingly drunk as it is revealed that each has suffered in similar ways.The stories of the historical women "parallel the characters" in the modern-day story. Some of these parallels are even emphasised by the actors doubling the roles of the historical and modern characters.
THis play is non-linear which makes it more contemporary and the way it compares the past present and the future really makes for an interesting view on women in society. 

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