Monday, October 22, 2012

Im totes afraid of VW -Blaine

I didnt get it. I did not understand the point. I didnt understand to purpose. I didnt not understand why it was so long. If you could not tell, this was not my favorite. It is starting to feel like a lot of these plays are running together. Many of them have been the living room style plays, and its becoming hard to keep track. Who,s Afraid of Virgina Wolf falls in the same category. It just a whole lot of talking, drinking, and yelling. Although, I did really enjoy the play wrights writing style.It was honestly the saving grace for the play. It seemed to flow for me while I was reading, which helped because of how unnecessarily long the play was.After reading it I knew that I would need to do some more research on the play to see why it was such a big deal, because I didnt get that either. The research did help me to get a better picture of the historical relevancy of the play. this play was one of those plays that I knew the title of but had no clue what it was about. I knew it was a big deal, but had no clue why it was. Now I know what its about, and now I know why it was a big deal. It is still not my favorite, and I found it far too long, but I can honestly say that I am glad that I finally know what this show is.

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