Six Characters in search of an author seems to be quite an
absurdist production. After reading this play it seems almost impossible to
make sense out of all of it. However it is clear that this story is a portrayal
of relationships. Relationships between actors, characters, the director,
family members, as well as playwrights are all very muddled and mixed yet
clearly reflect and importance thought the production. This play is not easy to
follow. Maybe the portrayal on stage
would come across as a more clear vision than just reading the script. The relationship between the father and the
stepdaughter as well as the relationship between the father and the mother
brought more confusion to me than the relationships between the other
characters. The most confusing character that doesn’t seem to quite fit in the
picture is Pace or the prostitute. Along with her funny accent, is it just
supposed to be comic relief? Is it even funny? Who knows?
Another thing that may help this play gain some sense of
reality is the performance of this show in the original language. I may be less
confusing if the play was true to its original context seeing that translation
of the work does seem to get a little repetitive and shallow. Although this
work should have been very exciting and unique in its day and most likely
brought a new feel to the theatre, it seems to somewhat have lost its luster
and compatibility with society of today. Not in full but definitely in select
parts. The humor of Italians!
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